WellSpace@Work provides employers of Maine direct, timely access to behavioral healthcare services that support the emotional wellbeing of the Maine workforce.

We are the only Maine company providing a therapist access program to employers

How Does It Work?

  • Customizable group sales model that establishes high quality, confidential counseling services for employees

  • Emphasis on rapid response and expedited service delivery at NO cost to the employee

  • Telehealth services reaching rural communities and local Southern Maine offices for in-person therapy 

  • A dedicated service unit for each employer account 

  • Data Collection and reporting to provide quality assurance to our stakeholders

  • Tailored webinars and in-person trainings to support employees and management

  • Staff and Management consultation to reduce stigma and create cultural change in the workplace 

  • Managed care credentialing to ensure continuity of care for clients post contract

  • Critical Incident Debriefing as needed to assist in times of crisis. 

What Makes Us Unique?

  • A deep understanding of the culture of Maine and its diverse workforce

  • Telehealth services reaching rural communities, and local offices for in-person therapy when it’s safe to return

  • An internal referral channel to our practice, WellSpace Maine, so clients can stay with their therapist using their insurance should the employer contract end

  • Our ability to navigate this business expansion during a pandemic, a reflection of our nimbleness

  • A local solution to that breaks free of the traditional EAP obstacles of access and stigma resulting in increased utilization

Trusted by these Maine Organizations:

“I feel so comforted knowing, whatever difficult things may happen in someone’s life, there’s WellSpace… It takes an enormous burden off an employer in terms of knowing our team is going to be okay.”

- Celine Frueh, Vice President at Allagash Brewing Company

Meet Our Executive Team

  • Lindy Graham, LCSW

    WellSpace Maine + WellSpace@Work CEO

  • Erika Pausman, LCPC

    WellSpace Maine + WellSpace@Work COO

  • Marc Anton

    WellSpace Maine + WellSpace@Work CFO

  • Meridith Edmonds

    WellSpace Maine + WellSpace@Work Director of Finance


“WellSpace@Work was created as an avenue for Maine employers to offer access to local, confidential mental health counseling for their employees struggling with the myriad of challenges right now”

- Newswire, 2021